Monday, April 23, 2012

Sinus Of The Times Or As The Nose Runs, Blow It

First it's the never ending cold that has we staring at walls while I train all week and weekend. Then just as everything is coming together and the final couple of weeks of preparation/training/taper are all set to occur.....WHAM it is the mother of all viruses that has a firm grip on the blood cells and just won't let go. After a few sessions of sleeping with as much clothing on and blankets, I finally club the little bastard into submission and dispose of him in the washing machine with all of the sweaty clothes. Guess again, now it's time for a visit from his long lost cousin.....Sinus Infection! The right side of my face is pounding and I am filling Kleenex with disgusting mixes of yellow mucus and blood! Isn't there a break for the weary, isn't it enough that I will be killing myself over the passes each day with only one gear to choose from (actually make that 2 gears, the other being my feet when the hill stands up and the pedals stop turning). Stop the sniffles, the never ending nose blowing and the raw skin around my nose, yeah I am getting "color" in my face but it's not from the sun! Bring on race day and let the true pain begin.

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